One of the biggest lies that is currently being told in the USA workplace is on the legally required OSHA poster: All workers have the right to a safe workplace. - Steven Magee
Most USA citizens never realize that the systems of public protection are essentially useless until they try to use them. At that point they learn the hard way that government agencies like OSHA, FCC, FDA, police internal affairs, disability, and the like do not work for them. - Steven Magee
My memories of my time in high altitude astronomy indicate that there were no oxygen concentration monitors or alarms in the areas that liquid nitrogen was in use at the high altitude astronomical facilities where I had worked. - Steven Magee
It has been my personal experience that the government engages in a wide range of frauds with the common people. - Steven Magee
The biggest criminals that I have met in life are working for the government. They make mass murderers look like amateurs. - Steven Magee
Modify the environmental radiation and you will change the course of evolution. - Steven Magee
The biologically harmful effects of man-made environmental radiation was a jigsaw of existing information that needed to be assembled by a group of independent researchers that had a broad range of knowledge and were free of corrupt corporate government influence. - Steven Magee
Abnormal radiation exposure and oxygen starvation teaches you that reality is just a perception that is derived from your immediate environmental conditions. - Steven Magee
I have every expectation that cancer will become known as the disease of human evolution trying and failing to adapt to a significantly changed environment. - Steven Magee
Publishing is definitely something you do because you enjoy educating or entertaining people. - Steven Magee
An open flask of industrial liquid gas that is venting into the indoor environment should be thought of as the same as a smoldering fire, as they both create a dangerous oxygen deficient environment for the human. - Steven Magee
The USA government sure do like their propaganda feeds! Unfortunately, too much propaganda does create the scenario where no one believes anything that they say. It's just like Pinocchio. - Steven Magee
I am not a fan of sealed up sterile homes or Faraday cages and their use in human health, although I do understand that some people do feel relief in these environments. - Steven Magee
I really hope that the Japanese are going to stop demonstrating to the world what man-made radiation does to people. - Steven Magee
The emergence of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is where Autism was back in the 1970's and very few children had the condition. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity must not be allowed to explode into the new epidemic that Autism has become. - Steven Magee
USA corporations are legally regulated by laws which their managers know are rarely enforced. This criminal activity is what the USA government calls: Deregulation. - Steven Magee
We live in a society where interacting with government agents is apotentially hazardous activity - Steven Magee
The majority of the common people do not realize that calling 911 may result in a stressed out armed police officer that has a range of medical issues and is taking potent prescription drugs being sent to out to them. - Steven Magee
The economists have us well along the way of the greatest mass extinction event in human history. - Steven Magee
There is a dangerous willful ignorance in governments to the adverse health effects of the various forms of electromagnetic radiation. - Steven Magee
The biggest threats to human survival today are not wars or conflict, it is modern business. - Steven Magee
You know that when ex-military personnel start assassinating their own government's agents that something funky is going on. - Steven Magee
You know when 1 in 2 marriages ends in divorce, 1 in 42 boys have Autism, and safety complaints from the majority of whistle-blower's are not being upheld, that you are living in a seriously dysfunctional society. - Steven Magee
It is clear that the protective functions of workplace health and safety have transferred to the workers through the process of corporate government deregulation and reduced funding of relevant government departments. - Steven Magee
Jail has become the biggest mental health hospital. - Steven Magee
There is a saying in the medical profession 'Inside everytablet is a little bit of poison'. Avoid medications if you can. - Steven Magee
When I realized that my home was completely filled with a biologically toxic radio wave field, I decided that the best route forward was to milk the home for all of the biological research that I could possibly produce from it! - Steven Magee
OSHA's lack of law enforcement has made the USA a dangerous place to work. - Steven Magee
The modern human has mastered the art of building toxic homes and cities. - Steven Magee
Police Officer Angry Aggression Theory (POAAT) is why you need to video record the police before they shoot you. Always start the video camera at the first contact, as it can go sour at any time and without warning. - Steven Magee
The scary thing about the protective properties of dietary intake regarding abnormal human radiation exposures is that NASA has understood this for decades! - Steven Magee
Political corruption works by having an equally corrupt legal system to protect it. - Steven Magee
Corrupt utility companies require a corrupt legal system to protect them from their own sickened workers and the masses. - Steven Magee
The biggest mistake that I see people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) making is believing that all electromagnetic fields are harmful. - Steven Magee
Girls should be taught at school that giving birth to an unnaturally over-sized western baby that no longer fits down the birth canal may lead to a multitude of long term health problems. - Steven Magee
The vitamin, mineral, metal and oil content of the human body drastically alters its reactivity to radiation exposures. - Steven Magee
The astounding natural beauty of the USA is offset by its extremely poor social security system that is clearly apparent when driving around the country. - Steven Magee
It has been my experience that law enforcement reports are littered with fabrications, inaccuracies, omissions, fraud, fantasies and willful blindness. - Steven Magee
I regard taking healthy sea level adapted children to the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea as a form of child abuse. - Steven Magee
The leading research in the adverse human health effects of electromagnetic radiation is not being done by well funded governments or corporations, it is coming from a few self funded independent researchers. - Steven Magee
The human has no genetic adaptation to modern industrialized products and needs to be careful with prolonged exposure to these for good health. - Steven Magee
Collision avoidance systems are the next big radio frequency (RF) toxin to hit the USA general population as they become standard safety equipment in most new cars. - Steven Magee
The correct action as we all know is to back off from EMF/RF exposures as a global society. - Steven Magee
Corporations and their government minions are capable of anything...just look at the frauds the recent wars became known as. Hundreds of thousands killed in the name of corporate "liberation". - Steven Magee
The modern human lives in a cesspool of man-made electromagnetic radiation. - Steven Magee
We live in the irradiated lazy indoor cancer society. - Steven Magee
It is a fact that the USA corporate government routinely lies to its mass population. - Steven Magee
Your environment defines you. - Steven Magee
There has never been a more important time to vote for the Green Party! - Steven Magee
Windows 10 could only have been a worse experience if I had paid for it! - Steven Magee
To understand how growth, aging and death works, you must understand the radiation environment. - Steven Magee
People feeling the need to live inside of Faraday cages is a sad reflection on modern society that humans are devolving into living inside of safe spaces. - Steven Magee
Living in sterile man-made environments that are disconnected from nature should be expected to lead to sickness. - Steven Magee
If you are living in the electrified wireless west, then you are living a very abnormal lifestyle that your genetics has no adaptation to. - Steven Magee
When people query whether Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is real or not, my answer is always: Sweden has recognized the condition for a decade and has approximately 300,000 EHS people. - Steven Magee
Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA) lack of law enforcement has made the USA a dangerous place to work. - Steven Magee
If you are looking for a job that may make you sick, I can recommend working at a high powered solar photovoltaic (PV) utility power plant. - Steven Magee
While police internal affairs is allowed to protect corrupt police officers that engage in unethical behaviors, illegal activities or murder, there will always be a genuine mistrust by the common people. - Steven Magee
The trick with getting Windows 10 to work well on my 2011 Windows 7 laptop computer was to use a HDMI cable and plug it into a full High Definition (HD) 1920x1080 resolution computer monitor at 60Hz as the sole display. - Steven Magee
When it is a law abiding common person versus the police internal affairs regarding a corrupt or incompetent police officer, the statistics show that it is the common person that most frequently loses. - Steven Magee
The Democrats would like you to believe that the USA is the 'Greatest nation on Earth'. Is this true? The Republicans answer this question by stating there is a need to 'Make America Great Again - Steven Magee
There is an intentional disregard for human health and safety in many government agencies that are tasked with protecting it. - Steven Magee
Ignoring phone calls leads to a simple life with more free time. Ignoring emails works well also! I do both when I am trying to get things done. - Steven Magee
The legal system is blatantly rigged against the common people. - Steven Magee
Harmonics are the cancer of the electrical system. - Steven Magee
It must be remembered that the forty hour work week until age sixty five was designed by governments and corporations and not the medical profession. - Steven Magee
The Democratic Party of the USA would greatly appreciate your cooperation with re-installing Mr & Mrs Pinocchio into the White House. - Steven Magee
Beware of anything to do with President Obama...I speak from experience. - Steven Magee
Communication land lines are going to be around for a long time, the internet runs on them, as do the wireless cell phone towers. - Steven Magee
While police officers who blatantly shaft the common people believe that they are God, they are the Devil to those that they wrong. - Steven Magee
Public Utility Commission (PUC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) complaints are rarely upheld. It is estimated that less than 5% of complaints are successful and that the actual number may be below 1% in some cases. - Steven Magee
Most politicians are corrupt as they do not represent the masses that voted for them, but rather they choose to return numerous favors to the corporations that funded their election campaigns. - Steven Magee
Fill the world with acid rain clouds and you will be in a new era of evolution, due to the changed electromagnetic frequencies emissions and light emissions from the lightning clouds. A new era of global environmental radiation! - Steven Magee
Purchasing a large and expensive home during a real estate boom turned into the biggest financial mistake that I ever made. - Steven Magee
Unsustainable energy consumption has humanity locked into a death spiral with nature. - Steven Magee
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I routinely witnessed workers breathing medical oxygen, industrial carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium gas as part of their daily work routine. - Steven Magee
Never trust an armed police officer. - Steven Magee
Computers are one of the products in the USA that appear to be unregulated by the government which leaves consumers unprotected from flawed devices. - Steven Magee
Very few people in the USA realize that a nuclear war was waged with nature in the southwest by their own military. - Steven Magee
There is a lot of willful incompetence in high altitude astronomy that is in the process of coming to light. - Steven Magee
You would be surprised at how many corporations "none of your business" applies to! - Steven Magee
Behind the facade of elected government are a bunch of corporate controlled gangsters running the country. - Steven Magee
Many people over forty have at least one health condition that affects their ability to work a forty hour work week effectively. Human Resources (HR), doctors and governments have known this fact for decades. - Steven Magee
The brain is both an emitter and a receiver of many forms of electromagnetic energy. There are fields of various forms around all living things, some we know about and others have yet to be documented. - Steven Magee
Utility smart/AMR/AMI meters, cell phones and wi-fi are problem for people who do not want to get cancer, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) sickness, or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) in the future. - Steven Magee
Nature is in the process of shutting down corrupt corporations and their government minions. - Steven Magee
Radiation has properties of both God and Satan. Like God as the correct exposures give excellent health. Like Satan because too little or too much will make you sick and may lead to disease and premature death. - Steven Magee
The USA states that it can put a man on the moon. I have a hard time believing this, as it is quite clear that they cannot build a simple electrical system that does not make people sick in large numbers! - Steven Magee
The greatest journey of discovery that the human can take is not through the universe or to the remotest location on earth, it is the voyage through the human mind. - Steven Magee
Very high altitude observatories are a known worker health hazard. - Steven Magee
Law enforcement are the facilitators of corporate fraud. - Steven Magee
I advise all people that have had an interaction with the police to obtain a copy of the police report, as you may find a very different story in there to what actually occurred. - Steven Magee
Whether voting Republican or Democrat, the result is the same: A corrupt corporate government. - Steven Magee
When you realize that incompetent police officers are harassing you, you need to call 911 and demand that a police supervisor be immediately dispatched to the scene. In the mean time you need to be video recording everything, as police officers are known for their blatant lies and fabrications. - Steven Magee
Police internal affairs is amongst the most corrupt departments that you will find in governments. - Steven Magee
News is how the government delivers propaganda to the masses and it is an essential requirement of the television broadcasting job to be emotionless to this. - Steven Magee
Over-the-counter drug abuse or addiction was a problem that I observed at Mauna Kea - Steven Magee
Not upholding a persons legal rights is a form of abuse. Unfortunately, USA government abuse of the general public is a normal state of affairs in many areas. - Steven Magee
We are in the energy dictatorship that calls itself the United States of America. - Steven Magee
Police intentionally murdering a mentally unstable person will always be unacceptable when there are numerous other non-lethal options available to them. - Steven Magee
You know that when a group of utility workers are withholding their customer service identification cards, they are likely engaging in some form of illegal activity at your home. - Steven Magee
There is a lot of willful incompetence in solar industry that is in the process of coming to light. - Steven Magee
If you want to be lied to, all you have to do is believe everything that the government tells you. - Steven Magee
Police officers are among the most corrupt people that I have encountered in life. - Steven Magee
Radio Wave Sickness and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity are easily preventable and one can only wonder how much longer the insanity of modern governments is going to be allowed to continue in this area. - Steven Magee
Solar sucks! - Steven Magee
Avoid living in new homes and working in new offices due to the high levels of chemical out-gassing that they exhibit during their first year. - Steven Magee
In a natural environment, nature controls the breeding cycles. In the man-made environment, abnormal environmental conditions control the unnatural breeding cycles. - Steven Magee
The biggest mistake that you will make in life is believing that governments act in the public interest. - Steven Magee
There is no shortage of despicable law enforcement departments in the USA. - Steven Magee
Corporate terrorism is psychological warfare. Corporate terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society. - Steven Magee
Sunlight reflecting from rippled windows greatly accelerates plant growth by up to three times normal rates. - Steven Magee
Police not enforcing laws results in a high crime rate that is formally reported as a low crime rate in police statistics. - Steven Magee
I realized that the legal system was corrupt when I went to court and the judge imposed a very short time limit on my evidence submission before removing my legal rights to free speech. - Steven Magee
Very few people realize how dangerous the indoor environment can be to long term health. - Steven Magee
Corrupt and incompetent police officers have a long history of being protected by their colleagues, police internal affairs and the government. - Steven Magee
Thanks to President Obama, I am able to get medical treatment in the USA for the long term effects of very high altitude sickness and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures. - Steven Magee
Some people call street lights 'Crime Lights', as they are associated with an increased level of criminal activity. - Steven Magee
I have great respect for the Syrian people, as I do for the rest of the Middle East. - Steven Magee
What corrupt corporate governments call a terrorist is what many common people call a resistance fighter. - Steven Magee
I think it is a wise person who does not answer the door to uninvited police officers. Who knows what kind of crazy person could be standing there with a loaded gun! - Steven Magee
If you want to understand the causes of aggression, study police officers - Steven Magee
Until the police internal affairs system starts prosecuting and firing a substantial number of corrupt and incompetent police officers, I will not be lighting it up blue! - Steven Magee
Mr Judge, Jury & Executioner of Micah Xavier Johnson needs to go to jail as soon as possible – he is a danger to civilized society. - Steven Magee
The greatest act of domestic terrorism in the history of the USA is currently in process and the culprits are the energy, electrical, electronics and wireless radiation industries. - Steven Magee
A few years after working on Mauna Kea, I discovered that I had radiation sickness - Steven Magee
We have yet to establish a permanent Mars colony for this reason: Trying to colonize Mars with humans is a known suicide mission that no one is talking about. - Steven Magee
In a climate changed world, it is a smart person who thins their trees so that the abnormally high winds can pass through them without damage. - Steven Magee
Labor law violations are alive and well in the USA. - Steven Magee
The best thing to do when someone is trying to argue with you is to repeatedly state "Stay Away" and video record the entire event. You may need that video for the police afterwords when the aggressor starts fabricating fantasies about the event. - Steven Magee
I sincerely hope that President Barack Obama’s government will be remembered as the peak of deregulated corporate corruption and not the ongoing rise of it. - Steven Magee
Dr. John Nash Ott had discovered by 1987 that glass, artificial light sources, electricity and electronic systems were having extensive detrimental effects on plants, animals and humans. - Steven Magee
Windows 10 on both an old 2011 upgraded computer and a new 2016 computer was an excruciating experience - Steven Magee
It really should be a criminal offense for an electrician to mount a breaker box on a bedroom wall. Unfortunately, I see the solar industry mounting inverters on bedroom walls also! - Steven Magee
I have been through the OSHA system twice and I can confirm that I did not have the right to a safe workplace or whistle-blower protection on either occasion. - Steven Magee
Government scientists are commonly as corrupt as the corporate government that employs them. - Steven Magee
Modern human evolution has reached the point of reporting corruption to the corrupt. - Steven Magee
Having studied the toxic biological effects of wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation, I find it amazing that women will willfully strap on two radio frequency antennas to their breasts in the form of an underwired bra. The wireless industry knows the underwired bra as a dipole antenna or doublet. - Steven Magee
The radiation detoxification process exists in nature. It is called: Hibernation. - Steven Magee
The sickest people that I have met in the workplace are working with high powered electrical utility solar photovoltaics (PV). - Steven Magee
The people who work with solar photovoltaics (PV) tend to be sick, I've worked with many of them. They were showing classic symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness (RWS). - Steven Magee
Altitude sickness, unregulated drugs and medical gas enabled workers to become drug abusers/addicts - Steven Magee
The 2016 USA presidential election race clarified how an evil Nazi dictator like Adolf Hitler was able to come to power in global politics. - Steven Magee
Utility electricity is a known hazardous biological toxin and the toxicity of it is increasing as it progresses into harmonic electronic power generation (Wind & Solar) and wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation smart/AMR/AMI meters. - Steven Magee
Radiation does discriminate. If you are sedentary and eating processed foods then you will be more affected than a person that exercises and eats fresh organic food. - Steven Magee
Very few of the common people realize that the political and legal systems have been corrupted by decades of corporate lobbying. - Steven Magee
There is a lot of willful incompetence in the wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation industry that is in the process of coming to light. - Steven Magee
Trees emit a wide variety of electromagentic radiation and it is regarded as healthy to live in a natural area that is surrounded by trees due to these beneficial emissions to human health. - Steven Magee
If you are looking for a career that may induce a myriad of health conditions into you, I can recommend working at the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA. - Steven Magee
At the W.M. Keck Observatory on the very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea, there was no routine monitoring of mental functioning, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure or heart rate of workers. - Steven Magee
The general public of the wireless western nations are very tolerant to the radiation poisoning of the next generation of children by their corporate controlled governments. - Steven Magee
The human has genetic adaptation to natural electromagnetic radiation. Increasing, reducing or removing the natural radiation exposures results in a sickened human that may progress onto a diseased state. - Steven Magee
I have interacted with the police complaints and internal affairs division twice and both times I came away with the opinion that I was dealing with a blatantly corrupt group of people. - Steven Magee
Driving your car through deep pools of flood water is a great way of making your car unreliable. Smart people turn around and avoid it. - Steven Magee
The majority of the common people do not realize how corrupt the legal system has become until that blatant corruption shows up at their own homes. - Steven Magee
High powered radio frequency (RF) transmitters really need to be reclassified as an industrial application and banned out of residential communities that have developing babies and children. - Steven Magee
Electrical earth (ground) cables are all energized with radio frequencies (RF). Generally the further away from the ground rod you go, the more RF that you will find. - Steven Magee
The masses have yet to realize that generating your own electricity is a potentially hazardous activity to engage in. - Steven Magee
Humans would become very sick without natural radio frequency (RF) exposures. - Steven Magee
I am not Iron-Man, I am Forest-Man! - Steven Magee
When the government and electrical utility company jointly harass an electrical fraud researcher, it confirms that the research is progressing in the right direction! - Steven Magee
Arguably insane utility workers that blatantly harass law abiding customers is likely to become more frequent as the long term effects of biologically toxic radio frequency (RF) radiation exposures from their transmitting smart meters continues to emerge. - Steven Magee
The 'Wild West' is a good description of law enforcement in the desert southwest USA. - Steven Magee
Working a 40 hour work week is a very shallow and unfulfilling experience for many people. - Steven Magee
The legal system has been designed by governments and corporations to protect them from the common people. - Steven Magee
It is a sad state of affairs that I donot know of any astronomer who fully understands the energy in their own daily environment. Untilthat changes, Dark Energy will always be a mystery to the astronomical community. - Steven Magee
No amount of community policing will cause the common people to accept a known corrupt police department. - Steven Magee
Electricians that like good health avoid the known biologically toxic very high powered electrical utility jobs. - Steven Magee
It's called publishing. It's how smart people install new ideas into other peoples brains. - Steven Magee
The USA legal system is designed to enrich lawyers, protect the government and corporations, and shaft the general public. - Steven Magee
The toxicity of medical and industrial gas to the human depends on where it is used. A gas that is regarded as safe in a well ventilated environment at sea level may be a toxic gas in an indoor environment at high altitude. - Steven Magee
Corrupt governments are run by corrupt politicians that run corrupt law enforcement agencies. - Steven Magee
Full spectrum lights should be used in all daytime offices for good health. - Steven Magee
If peaceful protesting really worked, the need to peacefully protest would have subsided to almost zero a long time ago! Instead, the thing that has subsided to almost zero are the number of complaints filed against police officers that are actually upheld. - Steven Magee
If you do not want to be lied to, then you need to stop following politics. - Steven Magee
Staring at the blue sky causes insomnia to occur in the human. - Steven Magee
The amount of people I met that had heart problems surprised me in high altitude astronomy. I had not seen it in other fields. After a decade of working at high altitudes, I was also diagnosed with a heart problem. - Steven Magee
I am looking forward to the departure of the corrupt Obama administration in 2017. - Steven Magee
I advise people to avoid workplaces that prevent Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) visits. - Steven Magee
I recently cleared up my Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). The condition is real, it has a sound foundation as to why it occurs in the human, and can be cleared up by taking the appropriate steps. - Steven Magee
Decades of corporate government deregulation and reduced funding of important government departments has the country well along the path to a lawless society. - Steven Magee
The era of biologically toxic wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation and harmonic electronic power generation from wind and solar systems with their adverse brain modifying effects that can bring on irritable and aggressive behaviors has made it a bad time to be a police officer. - Steven Magee
Avoid working in windowless environments for good health. - Steven Magee
For excellent health and a good skin color, I recommend that people sit next to a shady ultraviolet transmitting window when indoors. - Steven Magee
The electrical grounding system is the largest radio frequency (RF) radiation antenna system ever constructed in the history of mankind. - Steven Magee
The moon is considered a relatively easy object to land humans on, everything else is much harder by orders of magnitude. It is the reason why we have not been to Mars and will likely never go there successfully with humans. - Steven Magee
The USA government states that the New Mexico Trinity nuclear bomb site is still highly radioactive and 'harmless'. It is interesting to note in the era of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) that it is USA government policy that radio frequency (RF) and electricity are also 'harmless'. - Steven Magee
If you have bought the law enforcement department, then you have done nothing wrong when you willfully break multiple laws. - Steven Magee
The police are often as corrupt as the corporate government that employs them. - Steven Magee
Electricity should not be banned, it just needs much better government regulation and understanding by the medical profession of the full range of toxicity that it presents to the human. - Steven Magee
In the era of angry and aggressive policing, it is an honorable service to your fellow citizens to video record police officers interactions with the common people. - Steven Magee
Voting for the Green Party is how you say 'Up Yours!' to the Republicans and Democrats. - Steven Magee
If you want to radiation poison a nation, just start shipping them cheap ionizing smoke detectors for the home with a little too much radiation in them. - Steven Magee
For many people, a western lifestyle equates to living in a toxic home, working a toxic job, eating toxic food, being sick from your thirties onward and eventually dying from preventable disease. - Steven Magee
Unfortunately, humans have a long history of trying to fix their engineering mistakes with more engineering mistakes! - Steven Magee
It is my assessment that most police officers who spend their days driving around USA cities will have some levelof radiation sickness and this is concerning! - Steven Magee
I arrived in the USA in 2001 and by 2015 I knew through experience that I was living in a country of corporate incompetence and blatant frauds. - Steven Magee
Modern architecture predominately specializes in designing what are essentially dimly lit caves. - Steven Magee
I independently produce scientific advancements to share with everyone, and that is over seven billion people! - Steven Magee
Faraday has the Cage, Tesla has the Coil and Magee has the Sandwich! - Steven Magee
The biggest surprise that I had during my time in high altitude astronomy was being prevented from arranging a free Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) onsite evaluation to assist with bringing the observatory into OSHA compliance by the upper management team that I reported to. - Steven Magee
The legal system has been designed to rob the bank accounts of the common people. - Steven Magee
School taught me how to do language, maths and science; it failed to teach me the very basics of how to keep my home healthy. - Steven Magee
It is the common peoples duty to police the police. - Steven Magee
The USA has a long history of radiation damaging workers health. - Steven Magee
As a sea level adapted human, I am more fearful about the radiation levels on top of high altitude mountains, mile high modern cities and inside jet aircraft than from nuclear reactors and bombs, as that is where I get the most radiation exposures in the modern world. - Steven Magee
Mankind willfully changing the global electromagnetic radiation environment has created what I expect will become known as the man-made evolution era. - Steven Magee
Corporations turned the human into a robot a long time ago. - Steven Magee